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Quiet And Still Is Hard??? A Word from THE WORD!!! #231

Be still,

and know

that I am God:

I will be exalted among the heathen,

I will be exalted in the earth.

11 The LORD of hosts is with us;

the God of Jacob is our refuge.

Selah.”  Psalm 46:10-11

This precious verse reminds us that God is our peace, our hope and our confidence; we can “Be still, and know that I am God…”.  My husband has a lovely story of an encounter with this verse, and while that is his story to tell, I will say that God pointed him to this truth, and he could “be still” and know that God had him in His hands—and He surely did.  And my friends, He will do the same for us if we will but be listening, sensitive to His voice and dependent upon His care.  Still has several meanings, one is to cease from motion, or activity; another is to keep on keeping on—to go onward continually.  Both are indicators of our ability to see God as God!  Oh, how grateful I am that God IS God and ever at work in our lives, our surroundings and our world!  It’s hard to recognize sometimes, with all the wickedness and evil around us; especially when people of faith compromise with the world so much, and the church has laid down her cross and taken up the world’s method’s.

Have you been antsy lately?  Have you fretted and worried about people, places, things and circumstances, or are you willing to just “Be still, and know that I am God…”, trusting yourself to His care.  Have you been digging into His Word to know Him better and grow in intimacy with The Lord Jesus who gave Himself for our salvation?  The prophet Jeremiah is one of my favorite Bible prophets, for even after he had preached and called the children of Israel to repent (for some 40 years), he was persecuted, rejected and mistreated, and saw the destruction of Jerusalem, yet his heart knew whom he believed?  How about you and me?  Are you ready to keep your eyes on the prize—Jesus.  Only as we learn to know Him through His Word and yield our lives to the power and direction of His precious Holy Spirit can we know Him in fulness and truth, even as Jeremiah did.

It is of the LORD’S mercies

that we are not consumed,

because his compassions fail not.

23 They are new every morning:

great is thy faithfulness.

24 The LORD is my portion,

saith my soul;

therefore will I hope in him.

25 The LORD is good

unto them that wait for him,

 to the soul that seeketh him.

26 It is good that a man should

both hope

and quietly wait for the salvation

of the LORD.”  Lamentations 3:22-26

And just FYI, this reference to quietly wait isn’t an instruction to wait to come to Jesus, but to wait, as His child, for His saving provision in our circumstances; and notice Jeremiah instructs us to “quietly wait”—not rant, rave, or pitch fits when things don’t come in “my” time!  Remember we are to know that God IS God and behave thusly!  So, here are a few more passages about being still—in both ways!

Stand in awe,

and sin not:

commune with your own heart

upon your bed,

and be still. Selah.

5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,

and put your trust in the LORD.

6 There be many that say,

Who will shew us any good?

LORD, lift thou up the light

of thy countenance upon us.

7 Thou hast put gladness in my heart,

more than in the time

that their corn

and their wine increased.

8 I will both lay me down

in peace,

and sleep:

for thou, LORD, only

makest me dwell in safety.”   Psalm 4:4-8

Blessed are they that dwell in thy house:

they will be still praising thee. Selah.”  Psalm 84:4

Will you be still?  Will you pursue the knowledge of The Most High and His Son Jesus?  It’s your choice, but choose wisely, there is a test!

I beseech you therefore, brethren,

by the mercies of God,

that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,


acceptable unto God,

which is your reasonable service.

2 And be not conformed to this world:

but be ye transformed

by the renewing of your mind,

that ye may prove what is that


and acceptable,

and perfect,

will of God.”  Romans 12:1-2

Amen and Amen!!!